During this summit, the ceremonies will be public and open to all. The elders will share Aboriginal rituals with us and we will have the privilege of meeting them.
We are going to experience not only a historic and exceptional moment, but we will also have the feeling of participating in a unique moment of communion.

The Aigle Quetzal Condor summit promises a number of workshops for all tastes and all ages. Creative workshops, spiritual encounters, cultural workshops such as times of traditional dances and songs, they will all be an opportunity for exchanges and sharing rich in emotions.
Aboriginal arts will be honored and all the peoples present will be keen to share their know-how and their culture. Recognized and emerging artists will share their art with the public. This event will be an opportunity to promote Aboriginal arts in all its forms.

Elders will speak on behalf of their people from the South, Center and North. We will have the chance to listen to a word full of age-old wisdom on respecting and protecting Mother Earth.
The words of our participants at Envol 2022
Very nice ceremony, happy to have participated with my daughter for the first time, migwech for the unconditional love and the message of peace.
Annie Thouin
Relive the highlights of Envol 2022
On June 18, 2022, we had experienced a formal launch ceremony in the morning in the presence of seniors from the North, Center and South living in Canada. In the afternoon, we offered discovery workshops.
Photo credits: Laurent Fraigneau and Marie-Pier Lapalme